
S1E20: Special Guest Kimberly Girling from Evidence for Democracy to discuss the Intersection of Science and Policy from Crisis to Recovery

Alicia & Marcie Season 1 Episode 20

Our guest, Kimberly Girling –  is the Interim Executive Director of Evidence for Democracy, a Canadian non-profit organization promoting the transparent use of evidence in government decision-making. Kimberly holds a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of British Columbia and is an alumnus of the Mitacs Canadian Science Policy fellowship, a program connecting scientists to policy issues in the Canadian government. She worked for several years as a policy analyst in the Canadian public sector.

Our discussion includes the use of scientific evidence in the current pandemic crisis, and how we can use transparent evidence based science moving forward when writing current and future government policies.

Evidence for Democracy: https://evidencefordemocracy.ca/en/about
- Report Evidence in Action: An Analysis of Information Gathering and Use by Canadian Parliamentarians  www.bit.ly/evidenceinaction
- Upcoming Q&A on the role of the science community in responding to COVID19 https://evidencefordemocracy.ca/en/content/register-our-latest-webinar
- ipolitics piece on EDI: https://ipolitics.ca/2020/04/23/leading-with-a-quiet-voice-the-irony-of-womens-influence-during-covid-19/

Note: We are aware that policies are changing rapidly and that discussion within the podcast may already be out of date.

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Episode Recording on YouTube: